Friday, October 5, 2012

Maailm on tåis imelisi inimesi

Nyyd, enne løunasøøki kuulis yks vanem naisterahvas meie kursuselt pealt meie vestlust keraamika øpetajaga. Teemaks oli sõled, mille peale ...

Tema: Are you from Russia?
Mina: No, from Estonia
T: Ahaa, so, near to Rumenia?
M: No, I'm from north. Here is Denmark (nåitan kujuteldaval kaardil), here Sweden and here is Estonia.
T: Aaaaa, so, here are (nåitab Soome kohale) Greenland and Canada?
M. Well, no. Here is Finland. Greenland and Canada are thereee........... (kaugel)

Ps: vestluspartneriks oli taanlane..

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